Online shop, selling air conditioners
- Full e-commerce functionality.
- Powered by Magento Community Edition
- Multi-site installation
- Customized 3d-party template
Platform: CentOS, PHP, MySQL, Magento, Zend Framework…
Read moreOnline shop, selling air conditioners
Platform: CentOS, PHP, MySQL, Magento, Zend Framework…
Read moreI have just discovered that there’s missing function for deleting the splash group. If you try to delete a group, you will get a controller page not found error. To fix this just add this function to the group controller, …
Read moreUPDATE: The file needing modifying is app/code/community/Fishpig/AttributeSplash/Model/Mysql4/Page.php.
It would seem the flat catalog problem keeps rearing it’s ugly head in many Magento extensions. In this case the fix is quite simple. Replace the getProductCollection(), with the modified version below:
I …
Read moreFor anyone experiencing problems using the Easy Topsellers module in combination with the Flat Catalog, simply rewrite the _beforeToHtml() function as follows:
This function resides in app/code/community/Magazento/Easytopsell/Block/Home.php.
I would appreciate your feedback.
Good luck,
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