

Xtreme-Vision – Adwords & PPC Services

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is one of the quickest growing advertising media.

As customers switch from shopping in stores to shopping on websites, reading blogs rather than magazines, and watching videos via online channels rather than television, finding and reaching to those people where they now – online – is much more important than ever before.

Search engine marketing gets your company in front a large audience using ads delivered by one of the most reliable and trusted networks: Google.

Your advertisements are almost instantly showing to thousands of people, but you pay only when somebody clicks on your ad thanks to the pay-per-click (PPC) model.

This can certainly make Search engine marketing suitable to any budget, helping small and medium businesses to compete alongside multinational companies.

Search engine marketing campaigns remove a lot of the uncertainty that advertising has always experienced. With PPC campaigns the ads are shown only to potential clients thar are searching for either your company or your products/services.


SEM allows you to choose keywords associated with your products or services. When someone searches for your keywords, SEM puts your website on top of the search results. This enhances visibility, attracting potential customers to actually visit your Website.


 How can I benefit from SEM?


SEM has some special benefits that make it easier to showcase your message to a select audience that most likely is interested in buying your product or service.

 High quality traffic


SEM will only advertise your website to searches that are related to what you are selling. This increases the click through rate (CTR), which is the number of times someone clicks an ad, divided by the frequencyan ad was shown. The higher the CTR, the more visits you get to your Website.


 Flexible campaigns


SEM va face publicitate pentru webiste-ul dumneavoastra doar prin cautari care au legatura cu ceea ce vindeti. Acest lucru mareste rata de clickuri (Click Through Rate – CTR) – aceasta rata reprezinta numarul de clickuri primite impartite la frecventa cu care anuntul a fost afisat. Cu cit CTR este mai mare cu atit numarul de vizite pe website este mai mare.




Get the most from your advertising budget by only paying when someone clicks your ad in the search results.

The cost per click (CPC) gets more expensive if there are more companies bidding for similar keywords – this is where our campaign optimization strategies will help you match the keyword and ad copy to a relevant landing page and drive the costs down while improving the quality of the traffic to your website..


To learn more about Xtreme-Vision's design, developmet and marketing services and how they can streamline and grow your business

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